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GreenBrowser Help (V3.1)

GreenBrowser is a multiple windows browser. It is based on IE, and have more other features.

Collector, Mouse Gesture, Mouse Drag, Ad Filter, Search Engine, Background Color, Toolbar Skin, Proxy, Tab Bar, Quick Key, Auto Scroll, Auto Save, Auto Fill Form, Auto Hide, Start Mode, Link List Analyze, Group, Status Bar Display, Special Download Control, Search Bar, External Toolbar, Run Script, Download Manager, Page Zoom...

Main Features

1. Collector
Collector can save text, image, page auto save information, script, ad filter list, you have three way save text and image:
1.Open collector then you can drop text and image to the collector window.
2.Drop text and image to the toolbar in status bar.
3.Drop text, image, link in the page by special mouse drag.
You also can run script in script collector, the detail please see "Run Script".

2. Mouse Gesture
Press right mouse button and move in page, then you can perform some action. Mouse gesture action can be setted in option.

3. Mouse Drag
Mouse Drag can help you to view huge width page or image, If right mouse button drag and move in page, then you can scroll page just like ACDSee. Remember not drag on link and you only can choice one between mouse gesture and mouse drag.

4. Filter Popup Ad Window
You can forbid some popup ad window by set popup filter ! Filter 2,3 is popup ad window by user click link !
1.Filter Auto Popup Ad Window
: Auto popup ad window from page.
2.Filter Duplicate Popup Ad Window
: Duplicate popup window.
3.Filter List Popup Ad Window
: User define popup window filter list.

5. Search Engine
You can search something direct in browser: news, mp3, hardware, software, stock and so on. You also can add your search engine to engine list. The search engine support select multi search path.
1. Engine path must use %s to indicate the keyword
2. In the path, you can add multi search path by separator "|"
3. If you want insert a separator, please set name as --
4. When click search bar pop menu, if you press ctrl key, you can switch item selected state quickly, and not start new search, if you press shift key, you can clean all items selected state and only selected current item. But these change is only temporary.

6. Background Color
If the page not set background color, you can set background color in page.

7. Toolbar Skin
You can set toolbar skin, I prepare default skin for you, and you also can create yours toolbar skin, modify the default skin.
1.See also the images under skin\default, you can change the image, but not change it's background color, image size and file name.
2.Create a directory under skin and put your image file under it, you not need create all the file, if a file not exist in your direction, GreenBrowser will use the same name file under skin\default.
3.File name and file information:
BackGround.bmp: Background of toolbar
FavBar.bmp: Icon of favorites menu, favorites bar, link bar
Go.bmp: Icon of address bar
MainAnimIcon.bmp: Anim icon of main title
MainMenu.bmp: Icon of some menu item
MainTool16.bmp: Small icon of Toolbar, size is 16*16
MainTool24.bmp: Big icon of Toolbar, size is 24*24
MainToolGray16.bmp: Gray small icon of Toolbar, size is 16*16
MainToolGray24.bmp: Gray big icon of Toolbar, size is 24*24
SearchBar.bmp: Icon of search bar
StatusTool.bmp: Icon of status toolbar, size is 12*12
SystemBar.bmp: Icon of system menu bar
TaskBar.bmp: Icon of tab bar, size is 16*16

8. Proxy
Proxy Server: The proxy server must be setted when you computer in a intranet.
Web Proxy: Some web site provide some useful function and help you get to some special web site.
Translate Proxy: Some web site can help you to translate web page. I have set some translate proxy.

9. Tab Bar
1.Tab Bar icon show the state of page: blank page? finish download? read or not? locked? protected? saved?
2.You can set show tab index or not, set close tab by click tab icon or not.
3.You can set tab fixed title, URL alias, quick key.
4.You also can drag the tab, adjust tab order.
5.You can set double click action.

10. Auto Scroll
1.Browser can auto scroll the page when you read the page,it is useful when you read long page.
2.You also can control the speed and mode of auto control.
3.Mouse Control Speed: move mouse on scroll bar,low mouse position means quick speed.

11. Auto Save
1.You can auto save page, no use to show save choice dialog.
2.You can set auto save mode in download option.

12. Auto Fill Form
1.You can save the form data and use for next time. It is useful when you often fill some form.
2. When you set the form data, for option button, select, combo box, -1 means select none item, 0 means select the first item, 1 means select the second item.
3. For checkbox, 0 means not checked, 1 means checked.
4. For multiple line edit, \r\n mens return, not delete it.
5. If you select "Encrypt Data of Editor", then all data of editor in form will be encrypted. If you have saved some data of editor and not encrypt it, you can encrypt the data by this way: uncheck "Encrypt Data of Editor", auto fill the form, then check "Encrypt Data of Editor", auto save the form again.
6. If you not want others see you password or some data of saved form data, you can set the item's data as null.

13. Start Mode
You can set open what page when the browser start.

14. Auto Hide
You can auto hide all toolbar on top of main window, when your mouse move in page, all the bars auto hide, when you move mouse to title of main window, all the bars auto show, the hot key of this function is F12, you also can click the button on toolbar.

15. Monitor
It's a topmost window, it show the progress of download, you can move it and adjust it's transparence, open multiple files by drag files on it. Show/Hide GreenBrowser by double click it. When hide GreenBrowser, you can popup hot menu by right click it.

16. Set Favorite Path
You can choice favorite path, also can back to use IE's default favorite path, this can be set in general option.

17. Mouse Drag
Drag link, image, text then drop it in page, you can open or collect the link, image, text quickly.

18. Link List Analyze
You can see all the links of page, set name filter and url filter, open select url and copy the url to clipboard.

19. Group
You can save several URL as a group, and open them once a time.
1. If you not want to open some group member, uncheck it.
2. You can set each group member with special download control
3. You can set show group member or not.
4. "Save Windows As Group..." can save windows in a existed group, but not delete the exist group item.
5. You can move a url by drag it to another group item, if you only want to copy the url, press Ctrl key when drag.

20. Status Bar Display
You can select any data of "Clock, Online Time, Page Count, Filtered Page Count, Local IP Address, Network Speed, Available Memory" to display on status bar. In status bar display format string, GreenBrowser use 'A' to 'Z' replace the data, you can insert any other string in status bar display format string.

21. Special Download Control
1.If you use modem to visit internet, you may disable dowload image and sound in page, but also want to show image and play sound for local and intranet file, you can choice "My Computer and Intranet" in download control option.
2.If you want some page have special download control, you can save it's URL in group and set special download option for it.
3.You can change page download control by click pop page download control menu, if you press Ctrl key, the page will not auto refresh after click.

22. Search Bar
In search bar, you can search keyword by search engine, highlight keyword, find keyword in page. Search bar can save your keyword in a list.
1.Search: Drop your keyword or return in search bar will search your keyword.
2.Highlight: Drop+Shift+Ctrl or Return+Shift+Ctrl in search bar will highlight keyword.
3.Find in page: Drop+Ctrl or Return+Ctrl in search bar will find keyword in page, Shift+Return will search previous keyword, F6/F7 also can find previous/next.
4.If your search bar not visible, you also can drop keyword to address bar with Ctrl or Shift key, search bar also can help you to search, highlight, find keyword, the detail please see "How to use address bar string drop ?" in "Tip and Skills".

23. External Toolbar
1. You can add some frequently use programs link in external toolbar by "Set External Toolbar...". After That you can set the program "Auto Start with GreenBrowser" or "Auto Close with GreenBrowser".
2. Sometime we need run script in page, you can run your script in script collector. If you need frequently run the script, you can add the script to external toolbar. Now GreenBrowser only support script format plugin, you can directly add them to external bar or choice plugin path to import all script plugin once together. If you want to run the script in all page, press both "Ctrl+Shift" key when click button.
3. You can run selected plugin after page downloading, the selected state shown in the external pop menu. If you want casually change the selected state, you can use: Ctrl(change item selected state), Shift(only selected this).
4.You can use relative path in external toolbar (for example: if there is plugin directory in GreenBrowser root path, you can use ".\plugin\killad\plugin.ini")

24. Run Script
You can run some JavaScript or VBScript in collector.
1. Select script text in script collector from <script> to </script>.
2. Click "Run Selected Script Text" button in collector.
3. If you want to run the script in all page, press "Ctrl+Shift" key when click button.
4. You also can add some script plugin to external toolbar, the detal please see "External Toolbar"

25. Download Manager
You can select download manager to download file in the page.
1. First you must install the download manager, for example: FlashGet, NetAnts..., then select the download manager in download options and select monitor file type, you must use ";" to separate each file type.
2. If you not want download manager to download the file, press Ctrl key.
3. You can use download manager to download the file by drag URL string or input URL string in address bar.

26. Page Zoom
1. The function only support IE 6.0.
2. The hot key is Ctrl+Numpad+(More) Ctrl+Numpad-(Less) and Ctrl+Numpad*(Actual Size) in number keyboard.

Quick Key
F1 New Tab
F2 Active Prev Tab
F3 Active Next Tab
F4 Close Tab
F5 Refresh Tab
F6 Find Prev Search Bar Keyword
F7 Find Next Search Bar Keyword
F8 None
F9 None
F10 None
F11 Full Screen
F12 Auto Hide Toolbar
Ctrl+1 ~ Ctrl+9 Tab1 ~ Tab9
Ctrl+Tab Switch Tab
Ctrl+Up Font Size Increase
Ctrl+Down Font Size Decrease
Ctrl+Left Active Prev Tab
Ctrl+Right Active Next Tab
Alt+Up Active Prev Tab
Alt+Down Active Next Tab
Alt+Left Go Back
Alt+Right Go Forward
Ctrl+Enter http://www.%s.com/
Shift+Enter http://www.%s.net/
Ctrl+Shift+Enter http://www.%s.com.cn/
Alt+L Link List Dialog
Alt+Q Auto Fill Current Form
Alt+1 Auto Save Current Form
Alt+2 Auto Save Current Form as General
Ctrl+Q Add to Popup Filter
Ctrl+G Collector
Ctrl+` Hide/Show GreenBrowser(you can change to another key)

Tip and Skill

1. How to send page or page link to others quickly?
File/Send/ can send current page or page link in browser direct.

2. How to open link in new window?
1.Drag link in page.
2.Drag link to address bar or tab bar.
3.Press shift key when click link.
4.Set "Open Links in New Window" as true.
5.Set mouse option "Middle Click" as "Open Link", then you can open link after middle mouse button down.

3. How to open a URL string in page?
1.Select the URL string then drag to address bar or tab Bar.
2.Select the URL string then File/New/Selected Text(Ctrl+Shift+T)
3.Select the URL string then drag in any place in page.

4. How to open a URL quickly?
1.Enable quick key and then set quick key to the URL.
2.Enable URL alias and then you can input the alias to address bar.
3.Add the URL to favorites, then you can open the URL by click the favorites item.

5. How to open several URL together quickly?
1.Save these URL as a group and then you can open these URL by click the group item.
2.Save these URL to a favorites folder and then you can open these URL by click "Open All"
3.Select these files or links, then drag them to main window or monitor window.

6. How to close a page quickly?
1.Press hotkey F4, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W,Ctrl+PageDown.
2.Enable Tab "Click Icon Close", you can close the page by click tab icon.
3.Enable mouse gesture, then Up,Right mouse gesture will close current page.
4.Right click tab, pop tab menu, click "Close" item.
5.The default double click tab action is close the page.

7. How to save a image quickly?
1.Set Mouse Drag Image as "Collector", then you can save the image to your Collector Path quickly.
2.Drag the image to Collector or toolbar in satus bar, then you can save the image to your Collector.

8. How to search quickly?
1.Input search key in search bar then press Enter.
2.Drag the search keyword to seach bar.
3.Drag the search key in any place in page.
4.Set address bar go search menu, input search key in address bar, click go drop down search menu.

9. How can I change search engine select state quickly?
You can temporarily change search engine select state by click search bar pop menu item with Ctrl or Shift key, please see the introduction of "Search Engine".

10. How to find a special link url in a page quickly?
In IE, If you want to find a special link url that you need, you have to open the source code and search it in source code, it's difficult and not effective. In GreenBrowser you can use link list dialog to do this. See the introduce of "Link List Analyze".

11. How to show/hide GreenBrowser quickly?
1.Use hotkey, the default hotkey is Ctrl+`, you can set new hotkey in GreenBrowser options.
2.If you show monitor, double click monitor.
3.If you show GreenBrowser system tray icon, click the icon.

12. How to occupy fewest memory when run GreenBrowser?
When GreenBrowser minimize or close to system tray, it will occupy fewest memory size, may free 80% memory size. So when you not use GreenBrowser, you can minimize or close it to system tray, minimize then restore also have the same effect.

13. How to use address bar string drop ?
1.Drop: Open dropped string
2.Ctrl+Drop: Search dropped string
3.Shift+Drop: Set dropped string to search bar, no action
4.Shift+Ctrl+Drop: Highlight dropped string in page

14. How to use search bar string drop ?
1.Drop: Search dropped string
2.Ctrl+Drop: Find dropped string in page
3.Shift+Drop: Set dropped string to search bar, no action
4.Shift+Ctrl+Drop: Highlight dropped string in page

15. How to open jump URL direct ?
Some link URL like this: http://www.abc.com/jump.asp?http://www.123.com/. If you want to open the jump URL direct, press Ctrl key when click the link (that is the default value).

16. How to change page download control quickly?
You can change page download control by page download control pop menu, after you click the menu item, the page will auto refresh, if you not want this, press Ctrl key when click menu item.

17. How to open page quickly?
1.Disable or decrease filter popup ad window and filter ad content.
or decrease the status bar display content: Local IP Address, Available Memory, Network Speed, Modem Speed.

18. How to unlock mouse left right click limit?
Some page lock right click and select text, you can unlock it:
1. Run script plugin "Unlock Mouse Left Right Click" or run the script in script collector.
2. Disable download control of
script, then reload it.

19. How to find same or alike URL tab quickly?
Sometime, you open many pages, it's difficult to find same and alike URL tab. You can use mark/unmark function. When input alike URL, you can modify the URL string, GreenBrowser can find the alike URL then mark them with a special tab icon.

20. How to close some tabs quickly?
1. Lock others tabs, click close all.
2. If the URL is same or alike URL , click "Close Alike URL Tabs..."
3. If the URL is same or alike title, click "Close Alike Title Tabs..."
4. You can close tabs left or right of a tab.

21. How to forbid show flash?
1. Add *.swf in Ad Content filter list, and enable filter ad content.
2. Not select "Enable Flash (All Windows)" in download control menu. This method maybe faster and better than previous method, but it will forbid all IE core browser show flash.

22. How to stably run GreenBrowser ?
GreenBrowser support script plugin, but some error or complex script may course GreenBrowser crash. Suggest be chary of run script plugin.

23. How to install plugin?
1.Download plugin compressed file from GreenBrowser homepage.
2.Uncompress the compressed file
to a new directory.
3.Click \Tools\External Toolbar\Set External Toolbar...\
4.Click "..." to select plugin.ini, then press Insert button.
5.If you put some plugins directory to a total directory, you can click "Import Script Plugin..." to select the total directory then you can import all plugins at the same time.

24. How to protect the page title information when browse?
1.You can choice to forbid show page title in main window title.
2.You can asign fixed title in tab bar, if you want set the fixed title to all tabs, just press the key of Shift when you click OK.

25. How to delete typed address and search keyword quickly?
1.You can drop down the list and use "Delete" key to delete the item direct.
2.This is a delete option in GreenBrowser Options

26. How to disable pop up dialog of ActiveX compatibility and authentication?
You have two choice to do this:
1.Use NotTroubleMe, the external tools
of GreenBrowser, add the CLSID of the ActiveX into NotTroubleMe and check it.
2.Add *.cab in content filter list, then enable content filter

27. How to use relative path of GreenBrowser?
If you want to use the file or folder under GreenBrowser install path, You can add .\ before the path, for example: .\skin, .\Proxy.ini, .\resource\resource.htm, ..\Software.


1. How to install GreenBrowser?
GreenBrowser is a green software, It's no use for you to install GreenBrowser, you only need to download green version then run GreenBrowser.exe.

2. How to reset to default setting?
If you want to reset to default setting, you only need to delete the file User\GreenBrowser.ini, then GreenBrowser can build default setting for you.

3. How about GreenBrowser?

GreenBrowser is free to download and use. If you think GreenBrowser is good and want to support our work! It's welcome for you to donate. After that, we can provide best support for you and make the software better! Thanks for your support!

4. How to donate GreenBrowser?
You can donate directly to GreenBrowser paypal account MoreQuick@GMail.com. <Donate GreenBrowsr Now!>

More Quick Tools: 664229752@QQ.com 2003~2016